depositors from loss and in case of failure to give such se-
curity, he shall demand a surrender of the assets of the
corporation, and this charter shall become forfeit.
CHAP. 257.
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That the concerns of this in-
stitution shall be at all times subject to the inspection of the
Treasurer of the Western shore, or by such other officer
or agent of the state, as may be selected for that purpose
by either branch of the Legislature.
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That this act shall be perpet-
ual, Provided nevertheless, what the Legislature of Maryland
may amend or repeal any of the provisions thereof after
the expiration of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-three.
An act for the relief of sundry poor persons in the several
counties therein mentioned.
Passed Mar. 15,1834
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly qfj
Maryland, That the Levy court or county commissioners
as the case may be, of Harford, Prince Georges, Montgo-
mery, Charles, Worcester, Cecil, Talbot, Frederick Queen
Anne's, and Kent counties and Baltimore city, be and they
are hereby severally authorised, directed and empowered
at their annual meeting so long as they shall see cause, at
their discretion, except otherwise directed by this act, to
levy and assess on the assessable property of said counties
for the use of the several persons herein after mentioned
any sum of money, not exceeding the several sums annex-
Levy authorised
ed to their respective names: viz. in Harford county, Mary
Carlton, James Caleb, Henry Magness, (son of Samuel
Magness,) Scott Preston, Samuel Kane and wife, (coloured
persons,) and Elizabeth Roe, twenty dollars each; in Prince
George's county, Aquilla Webb, Thomas Cooke, Eli Al-
ien, Mary Gray, twenty dollars each, James Lynch twenty
five dollars, Archabald Frazier, Thomas Lawson, Leonard
Watson, twenty dollars each, Thomas Gibson to increase
his pension to forty dollars, Sarah Baldwin, (widow of
William Baldwin,) twenty dollars, William Crown twenty-
five dollars, John Davidson twenty-five dollars, Ann Welsh
ten dollars, in addition to the sum she now receives, David
Duvall, to increase his pension to forty dollars, Jane Eliz-
abeth and Mary E. Howell, orphan children of William
P. George's