CHAP. 225.
Passed Mar. 14, 1834
An act to lay out and open a Road through a part of Fre-
derick and Baltimore counties.
Commissioners to
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That George Warfield and George Cassell, of
John, of Frederick county, and Benjamin Duilderer of Bal-
timore county be and they are hereby appointed commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, to survey, lay out and open
a road not exceeding thirty feet in width, in the best and
straightest direction, taking all circumstances into conside-
ration; to start or commence at Poulson's meeting house,in
Frederick county, and running by the nearest and most
practicable route to George Warfield's store in said coun-
ty, thence by the most practicable route to intersect the
road leading from Westminster, in Frederick county, to the
city of Washington, on or near the division lines of the
lands of William Shipley junior, and James Owings; and
the said commissioners or a majority of them, shall make
out a plat of that part of the road through Frederick coun-
ty, and return the same to the clerk of the court of Fred-
erick county, to be recorded among the records of said
county; they shall also in like manner make out a plat of
that part of the road through Baltimore county, and return
the same to the clerk of said county court, to be recorded
among the records of Baltimore county court, and the said
road, when so opened, shall be thereafter deemed the
Public road
public road forever, and shall be kept in repair in the man-
ner as other public roads are directed to be kept in said
Expense— compen-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the expenses of survey-
ing and opening that part of said road in Frederick coun-
ty, shall be paid by Frederick county, the expenses of sur-
veying and opening that part of said road in. Baltimore
county, by Baltimore county, and the Levy courts or com-
missioners of said counties as the case may be, are hereby
authorised and required on receiving from the commission-
ers appointed, or a majority of them, an account on oath or
affirmation of the said expenses, including an allowance of
two dollars per day to the commissioners for their servi-
ces, to levy the same on the assessable property of said
counties respectively, to be collected as other county
charges are now collected.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
or a majority of them, shall value and ascertain the dama