owner is put at complete defiance, and the value of their
service completely lost, for remedy whereof.
CHAP. 224.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, T hat upon the apprehension
of any such negro or mulatto servant, it shall be lawful for
Case of absconding
the County Courts of this State, to adjudge and extend the
tcrsa of service to a longer term so as fully to indem-
nify the master or mistress fqf all expenses and loss occa-
sioned by the absconding of such servants.
Extend time of
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That upon the application of
any master or mistress or other person, legally authorised
by such master or mistress,to the county courts of the coun-
ty where such master or mistress or their agent may reside,
upon the apprehension of such absconding servant, it shall
On application
be lawful for such court at its session, to grant an order for
the sale of all the right of the master or, mistress, in and to
said negro or mulatto servant to any person or persons with-
May order sale of
in or without this state; Provided, said court shall be of
opinion that such absconding of such slave was not occa-
sioned by improper conduct on the part of his owner, or
owners agent.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted. That the said order shall ex-
press the term of service of said negro or mulatto servant,
and it shall be lawful for the purchaser or purchasers to re-
Term expressed
move said negro or mulatto servant out of this state, and
hold the same to service for and during the term set forth
in said order and no longer.
Retain no longer
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That upon the passage of any
order by the court for the sale of any negro or ser.vant as
aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the clerk of the county
where such order may pass, to furnish said negro with a
copy of the deed of manumission where he may be entitled
to his freedom by manumission, under seal of office, and
in case said negro or mulatto may be entitled to freedom
by will, then and in that case upon application to the Re-
gister of Wills where the will shall be recorded, from
which said negro derives his freedom, and it shall be the
duty of said clerk to make application, and the duty of said
Register to make out for said clerk, under seal of office, so
much of said will as may be necessary to shew when and
on what terms said negro is entitled to his freedom, togeth-
er with the order of the court directing the sale, under seal
of office, the expense of which shall be paid out of the
purchase money.
Copy of manumis-
sion. &c., to be
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That all laws contiary to the,
provisions of this act are hereby repealed.