CHAP. 221.
Passed Mar. 13,1834.
A Supplement to an act entitled, an act for the preservation
of Wild Fowl, in the waters of Swan Creek, Spisutia
Narrows, Rumney Creek, Bush River and Gunpowder
River, in Harford county, and for other purposes.
WHEREAS, by an act of Assembly passed at December
session, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, chapter one hun-
dred and sixty one, section two, a penalty was imposed
upon offenders under that act of a forfeiture of the gun;
AND WHEREAS, experience has proved that a pecuniary
fine would be more conducive to the public interest —
SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That any person or persons violating the pro-
visions of said law, shall be compelled to pay a fine of not
less than twenty nor more than fifty dollars, to be recover-
ed before a justice of the peace of the county where the
offence shall be committed, one half to the informer, the
other half to the use of the commissioners or Levy court of
said county, in lieu of the forfeiture of the gun as directed
by that act.
Sec. 2, And be it enacted, That all parts of the act of
eighteen hundred and thirty-two, chapter one hundred and
sixty-one, not specifically repealed by tins law, be and are
in full force.
The law extended
to other waters
Sec. 3, And be it enacted, That the provisions of this act
and the act to which this is a supplement, except &o much
as is heretofore reppaled, be and the same ave hereby ex-
tended to the waters of Baltimore, Cecil, Kent and Queen
Anne's counties, as low down the Chesapeake bay as Wye
River inclusive.
Passed Mar. 13,1834
An act to increase the allowance to the Sheriff of Frederick
county, for keeping and supporting Prisoners in Jail.
25 per day
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
it shall and may be lawful, for the Sheriff ot Frederick
county to ask, demand and receive, for all persons commit-
ted to the Jail of said county, and provided with victual