en by the president and directors for the time being; and
six months notice shall be given thereof, in one or more
newspapers published in the city of Frederick.
CHAP. 219.
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That whenever a vacancy
shall happen in the office of president or director, by
death, ressgnntion or by any other means, the directors
shall immediately fill it by ballot from a:nong the stock-
holders, until the next election in course; and whenever
the president shall be absent, the directors may appoint
from among the stockholders, a president pro tempore, who
shall act in all things as president during said absence.
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That the amount of each
share shall be paid to the president and directors, for tie
time being, by instalments of not more than two dollars,
and at intervals of not less than thirty days, at such times
as they shall appoint, and after twenty days, public notice
shall be given in one or more newspapers published in the
city of Frederick, specifying the time and place, at which
such payments are to be made: and in case any instalment
shall not be paid at the time appointed, the same may be
recovered, in the name of the company, in like manner as
debts of equal amount are recoverable, or the share or
shares of the person or persons so in default, with the pre-
vious payments made thereon, may be declared forfeited
to the company at the discretion of the president and di-
rectors; and in case proceedings at law should be adopted
for the recovery of any instalment, extracts from the lists
of stockholders in said company, signed by the president,
and attested under the corporate seal, shall be considered
prima facie evidence of the ownership of the shares set
forth in such extracts.
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That the president and di-
rectors shall have power; first, to adopt and use a corporate
seal of said company; second, to make all by laws, rules and
regulations necessary for the well ordering and conducting
of the business of the said company, and every such by
law, rule and regulation, to alter, change or annul at their
pleasure; but every such by law, rule or regulation, maybe
altered or repealed by the stockholders at a general meet-
ing to be called for that purpose, by ons fourth or more of
the stockholders; Provided, there be present at such meet-
ing, two thirds of the stockholders or their proxies; third,
to establish rules and regulations for the transfer of the
stock of the said company, and for the proof of the pro-
perty and ownership therein; fouith, to call meetings of the
Powers of directors