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deposit or deposits of money, as shall be provided for by
the by laws of said institution, and that all moneys so re-
ceived, shall be invested in public stock, or any other se-
curity which the board of directors in their discretion
Banking prohibit-
shall deem most beneficial for the interest of said corpora-
tion; Provided always, that such investment of the funds of
the corporation, shall be in the manner provided for in the
by laws; and that nothing contained in this act shall be
construed to authorise the corporation hereby intended to
be created, to issue any bill or note, or other device, in the
nature of bank notes.
Committee of exa-
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the directors at least every six months, to appoint from the
members of said corporation, three competent persons as
a committee of examination, whose duty it shall be to in-
vestigate the affairs of said corporation, and to make
out a report thereof in writing, which report shall be
laid before the members of said corporation at a general
meeting to be called, and proper notice given by and at
the discretion of the directors.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the stock of the New
Market Savings Institution, may be transferred by the
holder or holders, in person or by power of attorney, but
no stockholder who is a debtor to the institution, shall be
permitted to transfer his stock, until sucb debt be paid or
otherwise secured to the satisfaction of the directors.
pro tem.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That the President and any
other three directors, or in the absence of the president,
any four directors shall constitute a quorum tc transact any
ordinary business of the corporation, and in the absence of
the president, the directors forming a quorum as aforesaid,
shall choose one of their own body to act as president pro
tempore, and in case of the death, resignation, or inability
to act of the president or any director, the vacancy shall be
supplied by their own body, from among the members un-
til the next stated meeting thereafter.
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the said directors, on the first of February, eighteen hun-
dred and thirty five, and on the first Monday in February
and August, of each and every year thereafter, to make
and declare a dividend of the interest and profits of said
corporation after paying its expenses, and the same to pay
over unto the depositors, or their legal representatives with-
in ten days thereafter.