persons whatsoever, who may think himself, herself or them,
selves aggrieved by the decision of said commissioners;
such jierson or persons, may by petition appeal to the next
county court of Dorcherter county, and the judges thereof
are hereby authorised to review and correct any judgment
or decision made by said commissioners, and the appellant
shall be entitled to a trial by jury; provided, he shall de-
mand the same.
CHAP. 217.
Aw act to alter and change the dividing lines, between the
first and fifth Election Districts in Montgomery county.
Passed Mar. 13,1834
SECTION 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Thomas J. Bowie, Roger B. Thomas and
John W. Darby, or a majority of them, be and they are
hereby authorised and appointed commissoners to review,
alter and change, the dividing lines between the first and
filth election districts in Montgomery county, and they, or
a majority of them are hereby directed to meet at such
time and place as may be most- convenient, between the
time of the passage of this act, and the first Monday of
Commissioners to
July next, and locate the said lines, beginning at the mouth
of Hawling's river, and running up the same to the mouth
of Stoney Branch, then up the southermost fork of said
branch to the source thereof, near Contreville, and on a
farm now belonging to William Birdsall,then with a straight
line to the mouth of Beale's Branch, and then with a
straight line to the ford of Rock creek, called and known
by the name of Rickett's Ford, and the said lines, when lo-
And locate
cated by the said commissioners or a majority of them,
shall be the dividing lines between the said first and fifth
election districts of said county, any law to the contrary
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the said commissioners or a majority of them, on or before
the first Monday of July next, to make out and deliver to
the clerk of Montgomery county court a description in
writing, under their hands and seals of the said dividing
lines as located by them, and the said clerk shall record the
same in the records of said county.
Repoit and record