CHAP. 216.
each way, and the property within said limits, shall be sub-
ject to such taxes and charges as may be deemed necessa-
ry by said commissioners or a majority of them, to support
and maintain the expenses which may be at any lime in-
curred in the improvement of said Town; Provided, how-
ever, if the limits of said Town as fixed by this act, should
include any farm house, or part of any farm that the pro-
perty so included shall not be subject to the taxing opera-
tion of this act without the consent of the owner or occu-
pier thereof.
General powers
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That the said commission-
ers, or a majority of them, shall have full power to make
all such by laws, regulations and ordinances, not inconsis-
tent with the constitution and laws of this state, as from
time to time they may deem wise, equitable and efficient
for the comfort, health, convenience and prosperity of said
Town and it? inhabitants, for the prevention or removal of
nuisances, preservation of health, and suppression of vice
and immorality within the limits of said Town, and shall
have power to levy an equal tax on the property within the
said limits, to such amount as may from time to time be
deemed necessary to accomplish the purposes aforesaid,
which tax shall be collected and paid to the President and
commissioners by the Collector by them appointed, who
shall have the same power to distrain therefor, as the Col-
lector of the public county assessment has to distrain for
the same, and that the said President and commissioners
shall fix the term of office, responsibility and compensa-
tion of such Collector.
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
or a majority of them, shall have full power and authority,
annually, to appoint a Bailiff, whose duty it shall be to pre-
serve the peace and good order of said Town, and for this
purpose he is hereby invested with the same power and au-
thority as any Constable may now have under the laws of
this state.
Authority as to
streets, &c.
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
or a majority of them shall have the power, and hereby are
authorised to straighten and widen streets, make footways,
and construct bridges, purchase dirt, stone, timber, &c. as
they may deem to be essential to the comfort, convenience
and prosperty of said Town of Vienna; and after having
givea at least ten days notice in writing to all persons in-
terested, they shall proceed to assess and value on oath
what damages may be sustained by reason of such widen-
ing or straightening of said streets, and if any person or