to collect and receive of and from all and every person and
persons using the same, the tolls and rates hereinafter
mentioned, and to stop any person riding, leading or driv-
ing any horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, sulkey, chaise, phaeton
coach, coachee, cart, wagon, wain, sleigh, sled or other
carriage of pleasure or burthen from passing through the
said gate until they have respectively paid the same, that
is to say the following, and so in proportion for any great-
er or lesser number of cattle, sheep or hogs, viz. for every
score of sheep, three cents; for every score of hogs, three
cents; for every score of cattle, six cents; for every horse
and his rider or led horse, two cents; for every chair or
chaise, with one horse and two wheels, three cents; for
every chariot, coach, stage, wagon, phaeton or chaise with
two horses and four wheels, six cents; for either of the
carriages last mentioned, with four horses, twelve cents;
for every other carriage of pleasure, under whatever name
it may be known, the like sums, according to the number
of wheels and horses drawing the same; for every cart or
wagon, the breadth of whose wheels do not exceed four
inches, three cents for each horse dVawing the same; for
every cart or wagon, whose wheels shall exceed in breadth
four inches and not exceeding seven inches, two cents for
every horse drawing the same; for every cart or wagon,
the breadth of whose wheels shall be more than seven in-
ches, and not more than ten inches, or being of the breadth
ot seven inches, shall roll more than ten inches, one and a
half cent for each horse drawing the same; for every cart
or wagon, the breadth of whose wheels shall be more than
ten inches, and not exceeding twelve inches, or being ten
inches, shall roll more than fifteen inches, one cent for each
horse drawing the same; for every cart or wagon, the
breadth of whose wheels shall be more than twelve inches,
one cent for each horse drawing the same.
CHAP. 214,
Rate of tolls
by them, may agree with the owner or owners of such land
for such damages as may be sustained by him, her or them
by the said road passing through the same, which owner or
owners of the land on which the same may be, for the pur-
chase of said land, and in case of no agreement being
made, or in case the owner shall be a feme covert, under
age or non compos mentis, or out of the state or county of
Proceedings direct,