CHAP. 214.
aforesaid, and after having laid out and marked said road,
shall make out a plat of the same, specifying the course
and distance, and return the said plat to the President and
managers; and the said commissioners, before they proceed
to act, shall take the following oath or affirmation: I, A B,
do swear (or affirm as the case may be) that I will lay out
and mark the Clear Spring and Canal Turnpike road, ac-
cording to the best of my skill and judgment, agreeably
to the purport of an act entitled, An ant to incorporate a
company to make a turnpike road from Clear Spring, in
Washington county, to the Chesapeake and Ohio canal,
and I do further swear (or affirm as the case may be) that
I am not interested in any land through which the said road
is likely to pass.
Dimensions &c.
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That the said company shall
cause the said road to be laid out sixty six feet wide, twen-
ty-one feet whereof in breadth at least shall be made an
artificial road, to be composed of stone or gravel, and shall
in no place rise or/all more than will form an angle of more
than two and a half degrees with a horizontal line.
Time limited
Rights and power
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That if the said company
shall not commence making the said road within five years
from the passage of this act, und shall not complete the
same within five years thereafter, the right to the said road
shall revert to the State of Maryland.
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That the said company shall
be and they are Hereby clothed and invested, as respects
the said road, with all and singular the rights, privileges,
immunities and advantages not inconsistent with the pro-
visions of this act, that are held and possessed by the seve-
ral turnpike companies incorporated by an act of Assem-
bly, passed at the November session, eighteen hundred and
four, chapter fifty-one, entitled, an act to incorporate com-
panies to make turnpike loads through Baltimore county,
and for other purposes, and shall be governed by the same
regulations, and be subject to the same fines, penalties and
restrictions, as the said companies now are, when the same
are not inconsistent with the provisions of this act.
Toll gets author
Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That the said company hav-
ing perfected the said road according to the intention of this
act, it shall and may be lawful for them to erect one gate,
any where on the said road: Provided, the same be not
within half a mile of the said town of Clear Spring, and
to appoint such and so many toll gatherers as they shall
think proper, who are hereby authorised and empowered