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missioners, to fix upon a site at or near Coxe's Mill, on Broad creek, for building a bridge over said creek, and the said commissioners are hereby authorised to erect or cause to be erected a good and substantial bridge, with two stone abutments to be raised sufficiently high to save the bridge in time of freshets, the bridge to be weatherboard- ed or covered with cedar or pine shingles, and done in a workman-like manner, and for a sum not exceeding four hundred dollars.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners of Harford county, are hereby authorised if they deem it right and proper, to levy upon the assessable property of said county, at their next county levy, the sum of two hundred dollars, and in eighteen hundred and thirty-five, a further sum of two hundred dollars, and have the same collected as other county levies are, and made payable to the said bridge commissioners.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the said bridge com- missioners, shall keep a fair and accurate account of their expenditures in erecting said bridge, and in case there should be any thing left after the same is finished, and the abutments filled in, they shall pay the same over to the county commissioners, to be by them applied to the use of the county.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That a majority of the said bridge commissioners, shall be competent to transact any business relative thereto.
Passed Mar. 10, 1834
An act to lay out and open a road, from the Greenfield Mills, in Frederick county, to the neighbourhood of Clarks- burg in Montgomery county.
Commissioners to locate
SECTION 1.Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma- ryland, That Somerset R. Waters and Daniel Duvall of Frederick county, and John Willson, Sr. Jacob Nicholls and Alexander Pearre, of Montgomery County, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to survey, lay
out and open a road, not exceeding thirty feet in width in the best and straightest direction, taking all circumstanc- es into consideration, from the Greenfield Mills in Fred- erick county, on the Monococy River, and running from