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and every year thereafter, at the house now occupied as a
tavern by David Everhart, or at such other time and place
as the commissioners thereafter shall direct, to elect five com-
Election of com-
missioners, who shall each be the proprietors of a house
and lot within the limits of said village, and who shall have
resided within the limits of the same six months next pre-
ceding the election.
Conduct first elec-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That a justice of the peace
for the time being, residing in the said town, shall appoint
by writing under his hand and seal, one judge to hold the
first election, who shall keep the polls open from two o'clock
in the evening until four o'clock of the same evening, and
shall conduct the said election in the same manner in
which the judges of elections are now by law directed to
be kept, to conduct an election for delegates to the Gene-
ral Assembly, as far as may be consistent with the provi-
sions of this act, and the said judge shall make return,
under his hand and seal, of the persons elected, to the
clerk of Baltimore county court, to be by him kept.
Future elections
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That all future elections shall
be held and conducted as shall be from time to time direct-
ed by the by-laws of the corporation, the same not being
inconsistent with the provisions of this act.
President— his du-
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
elected according to the provisions of this aict, shall on the
first meeting after said election, choose some one of the
said commissioners president of the board, whose duty it
shall be to preside at the meetings of the said commission-
ers, and preserve order and give such directions as may be
deemed necessary by the said commissioners to carry into
full effect the provisions of this act.
Sec. 6. And be, it enacted, That the commissioners afore-
said, or a majority of them, may meet together from time
to time, as often as occasion may require, upon the busi-
ness of said Manchester, and not less than once in every
three months, and if during the year for which they may
be elected, any of the commissioners should die, resign,
remove from said iown, or be non compos or otherwise
disqualified, an election to fill the vacancy shall be held,
at which all persons qualified as is specified in the second
section of this act, shall be entitled to a vote.
Clerk— records
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That the said commission-
ers, or a majority of them, shall have power to appoint
a clerk, and assign his duties, and allow him such compen-
sation for his services as they niay think proper, and that