Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the pastor or any mem-
ber of the said corporation shall have full power and au-
thority to adjourn from day to day until a quorum shall at-
tend; and the said corporation are hereby authorised and
empowered to appoint and employ a fit and proper person
CHAP. 193.
as register of the said corporation, whose duly it shall be
to keep a fair and regular account of their proceedings,
which shall be subject to the inspection of any of the mem-
bers belonging to the said congregation.
An act for the relief of Johin H. Dorsey.
Passed Mar. 12,1834
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the commissioners for Baltimore county be and they here-
by are fully authorised to make such compromise as they
may deem proper and for the interest of said county, with
John H. Dorsey, late a collector of taxes in said county,
and also with both or either of his sureties.
AM act to Incorporate the town commonly called and known
by the name of Manchester and Germantown, in Baltimore
county, under the common name of Manchester.
Passed Mar. 12,1834
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the citizens of the town, commonly called
and known by the name of Manchester and Germantown,
in Baltimore county, shall be and they are hereby consti-
Citizens incorpora-
tuted and made a body corporate, under the common name
of the Commissioners of Manchester, with all the privi-
leges of a body corporate, and to have a common seal and
perpetual succession.
Name, &c.
Sec. 2 And be it enacted, That the free male white citi-
zens of Manchester aforesaid, of the age of twenty-one
years and upwards, and who have resided in the said place
for and during the space of six months next preceding the
election, shall on the first Saturday of May next in each
Qualification to