CHAP. 191.
An act to incorporate the Trustees of Sacred Heart Church,
in Saint Mary's county.
Passeci Mar. 11,1834
SECTION 1. Be tt enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the members of the Roman Catholic con-
gregation at Sacred Heart church, in Saint Mary's county,
from and after the passage of this act, shall be and they
are hereby created and declared to be a body politic and
corporate, in deed and by law, by the name, style and title
of the Trustees of the Roman Catholic congregation at
Sacred Heart church, in Saint Mary's county; and that
they, the said Trustees, by the name aforesaid, and their
successors to be elected as hereinafter mentioned, shall
have perpetual succession, and shall be able aad capable
in law to purchase, take, have, hold, receive and enjoy to
them and thtir successors, in fee simple, or for any lesser
estate, any lands, tenements and herurchase, take, hold and
possess and enjoy any monies, bank stock, stock of the
United States, goods, chattels or personal property whatso-
Corporate powers
ever, by gift or grant: Provided., that the lands which shall
be acquired by and vested in the said corporation, by virtue
of this act, shall not exceed the quantity of two hundred
acres: And provided also, that the real and personal pro-
perty acquired by and vested in the said corporation, shall
not exceed in the whole the yearly value of two hundred
pounds current money of Maryland; and the same lands,
tenements, hereditaments and personal property to give,
sell, convey, or otherwise dispose of, as to them shall seem
meet, for the use of the said religious society; and also
that the said Trustees, by the name aforesaid, shall be able
Estate limited
and capable in law to sue and be sued, implead and be
impleaded, answer and be answeied unto, defend and be
defended, in any suits or actions in all or any court of ju-
dicature within this state; and that it shall and may be
Legal capacity
lawful for the said Trustees, by the name aforesaid, to
devise, make, have and use one common seal, to authenti-
cate all and every the acts, deeds and instruments touching
their business, and the same at pleasure to break, alter and
renew; and generally that the said trustees by the name
aforesaid, shall have, hold and enjoy, all and singular, the
rights, privileges, liberties and franchises, incident and be-
longing to a private religions corporation or body politic,
Geneial powers