from the time at which it shpuld have been paid, the
same shall thereby become forfeited to the said company,
and may be disposed of by the said president and direc-
tors, as to them may appear most advantageous to the said
CHAP. 189
Sec. 12, And be it enacted, That no subscriber, stock-
holder or member of said company, shall be answerable
in his person, or his private or individual property, for
any act, contract or engagement of said company, or of the
president and directors thereof.
. Liabilities
Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That the state hereby re-
serves the power to impose such tax on the stock of said
company as she imposed on similar property in this
Right reserved
An act, entitled, a further supplement to the act, entitled, an
act, relative to Justices of the Peace, and for other- purpo-
ses, passed at December session eighteen hundred and
Passed Mar.10t,1834
WHEREAS, the act of eighteen hundred and fourteen,
chapter eighty-two, requires each and every justice of. the
peace, in case of his resignation or removal from office, to
deliver his dockets, together with all the notes, bonds, ac-
counts and papers, in his or their possession, appertaining
to judgments or suits thereon, to the clerk of the county
in which such justice vesicles; AND WHEREAS, no provi-
sion is made in said law for re-delivery of the same by the
clerk of the court, to such justice of the peace, in case of
his reappointment in said county, whereby parties interes-
ted are subjected to unnecessary expence and trouble; for
remedy whereof,
On reappointment
Be it enacted by. the General Assembly of Maryland,
That whenever a justice of the peace has delivered his
dockets, together with all the noles, bonds, accounts and
papers in his possession, to the clerk of the county in
which he resides, according to the requisitions of the act
to which this is a supplement, and such justice of the
peace shall be re-appointed and qualify as such in said
county, that the clerk of said county is hereby authorised
Entitled to docket
without charge