CHAP. 186.
Authority to con-
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the President and Di-
rectors who may be chosen in the manner herein before
provided for, be and they are hereby authorised and em-
powered to cut, dig and make the said turnpike road from
the city of Frederick, in Frederick county, through Smiths-
burg, in Washington county, to the Pennsylvania line as
aforesaid, as may be deemed most advantageous, passing
in and through Smithsburg as aforesaid, not exceeding
fifty feet in width, of which twenty feet shall be an artifi-
cial road, so as not to interfere with any previous rights,
grants or charters, without free consent oi the parties, the
Said President and Directors first obtaining in writing the
Consent required
consent of the owners of the land through which such turn-
pike road shall pass, or if such consent cannot be had, and
if it be necessary that said turnpike load should pass
Or proceedings
through the land of any person refusing his, her or their
consent as aforesaid, then the President and Directors, on
behalf of the company, shall apply to a justice of the peace
for said county, which said justice shall thereupon issue
his warrant, directed to the sheriff of the county, command-
ing him to summon twelve disinterested persons, qualified
to serve as jurors in the county court, to meet at the pro-
per place as directed by the said justice, and the said sheriff
shall qualify the said persons either by oath or affirmation
as the case may be, justly, truly and impartially to value
the damages which may be sustained, as well as the advan-
tages, by the owner or owners of said land, and make true
inquisition and return of the amount of damages which
may be sustained by the owner or owners of said land,
under their hands and seals, to the justice who issued the
warrant, and that the decision of the said jurors shall be final:
Provided, that the said turnpike road shall not pass through
the house, yard, grist mill or saw mill of any person.
Further authority
to construct
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That upon the President and
Directors paying to the owners of the land the sum so
awarded by the jurors aforesaid, as the case may be, they
shall have power to cut, dig and make the turnpike road
aforesaid through such land in the same manner as if the
consent of the owner had been given thereto; and that
the said President and Directors be empowered to erect
and make bridges and viaducts over all such streams or
water courses as may be thought necessary for the benefit
of said turnpike road, so as not to obstruct the free current
of said streams or water courses.