the use, benefit and accommodation of the poor of said
CHAP. 156.
county as they may deem necessary or proper, and to levy
on the assessable property of said county, such sum or
sums of money as they may find necessary to carry into
effect the provisions of this act.
To levy
An act to improve the navigation of the Western Branch of
Patuxent river, in Prince George county.
Passed Mar. 6, 1834
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the justices of the Levy court of Prince
George's county shall at their meeting to'be held in April
next, and annually thereafter for the space of five years, if
necessary, appoint three persons of sound judgment and
discretion, as commissioners, whose duty it shall be to ex-
amine or cause to be examined the situation of the western
branch of Patuxent river, below the town of Upper Marl-
borough, in said county, and if in their opinion the navi-
gation of said branch can be so improved as to give the
necessary facility to the shipping and transportion of tor
bacco from the ware house at said town that then they are
Appoint commis-
sioners to examine
hereby authorised and directed to contract with some per-
son or persons to remove the obstructions in said branch,
and otherwise improve the navigation thereof, on the best
obtainable terms, first giving public notice of the time and
place of contracting for the same.
To contract
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners to be
appointed in pursuance of this act be and they are hereby
authorised to draw on the inspectors of tobacco at Upper
Marlborough warehouse, annually for the space of five
years, and no longer, for such sum not exceeding two
hundred dollar's in any one year, as they shall expend in
pursuance of the provisions of this act, and the said in-
Authority to draft
for $200 annual-
spectors are hereby directed to pay the same out of the
current receipts of said warehouse, which sum or sums,
when paid as aforesaid, shall be allowed by the levy court
of Prince George's county, as a credit to said inspectors in
the settlement of their accounts with said court.
Required to pay
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That all weirs and hedges al-
ready made, or which may hereafter be made, in the afore-
Weirs and hedges
treated as nuisan-