CHAP. 153.
Passed Mar. 7, 1834
A supplement to an act, entitled, an act authorising the
Levy Court of Caroline county to levy into the hands of
the President and Directors of the Denton Bridge Com-
pany, the sum of fifty dollars annually, for the purpose
of keeping in good order and repair, the Causeway, lead-
ing from the village of Denton to Denton Bridge.
Control granted
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act,
the Levy court of Caroline county, shall have full power
and control, over the causeway, leading from the village of
Denton, to Denton bridge; and may dispose of the samp,
and in the same manner, that the county roads are now dis-
posed of, or in any other way they may deem most advan-
Repealing clause
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That all and every act
heretofore passed, that is contrary to or inconsistent with
the provisions of this supplement, be and the same are here-
by repealed; Provided, that this law shall have no force or
effect until the assent of the President and Directors or the
stockholder or stockholders, owning the stock of the com-
pany incorporated for building a bridge over Choptank Riv-
er at or near Denton ferry, be delivered to the Levy Court
in writing and the said assent of the said President and
Directors or the stockholder or stockholders owning said
stock, be recorded in the book containing the proceedings
of said county.
Pased Mar. 7, 1834
An Act to authorise the Commissioners of Anne Arundel
County to levy a sum of money sufficient to erect a
bridge at the Cove, in said county.
Levy directed
Section 1. Se it enacted by the General Assembly oj Mary-
land, That the Commissioners for Anne Arundel County,
be and they are hereby authorised and directed to levy on
the assessable property of said county a sum of money not
exceeding five hundred dollars for the purpose of erecting
a bridge over the narrows or gut at or near the Cove in
aforesaid county.
Commissioners na-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That Robert Garner, Louis
Griffith, and Joseph G. Harrison, be and they are hereby