ner aforesaid, advantageous as aforesaid, it shall and may
be lawful for such court, on application as aforesaid, to au-
thorise such Trustee or Trustees to accept the surrender
CHAP. 151.
of any lease now existing or hereafter to be executed of
any ground or real property or estate in the city of Balti-
more, of such idiot, lunatic or person non compos mentis,
with a view to a new lease or leases, being ordered and de-
creed in manner aforesaid, of such ground, real property, or
estate entire, or in several parcels or of any part of such
ground, real property or estate.
Or to accept sur-
render or lease &c
A further Supplement to an act entitled, an act to regulate
Public Ferries.
Passed Mar. 7, 1834
WHEREAS, sundry citizens of Somerset county have re-
presented to this General Assembly, that the interests of
said county would be greatly promoted by purchasing Fer-
ry boats, at the expense of said county, and the petition of
said citizens appearing reasonable — Wherefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Levy court of Somerset county, are
hereby authorised at their discretion, to purchase or con-
tract for the building Ferry boats, for the public ferries, in
said county, the cost of which shall be taxed as other
county charges.
Authority to build
boats, &c.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the Ferryman, who shall
be appointed and licensed by the Levy court of aaid coun-
ty shall enter into bond with sufficient security, to the Le-
vy court of said county", in such penalty as said court may
direct, conditioned for the preservation and safe keeping of
said boats.
Bodd of Ferrymen
Sec. 3. And beit enacted, That all acts and parts of acts,
inconsistent with the above, be and the same are hereby re-