School, located in the City of Baltimore; the annual sum of
seven thousand dollars is hereby appropriated for the support
of State Normal School No. 2, located at Frostburg, and the
annual sum of forty-five hundred dollars is hereby appro-
priated for the support of the normal department of Washing-
ton College, located at Chestertown — these appropriations to
be paid in quarterly instalments by the Treasurer, on the
warrant of the Comptroller, to the State Board of Education,
and to be applied to the payment of teachers' salaries, clerical
assistance, the purchase of school apparatus, text-books, fuel,
stationery, light and other necessary expenses in maintaining
such schools and normal departments; a further sum of one
Further stun
for repairs.
thousand dollars annually for repairs is hereby appropriated
for the Maryland State Normal School of Baltimore.
77. All donations or bequests of money or personal prop-
Donations or
erty, and all grants or devises of lands for the benefit of any
State Normal School or normal department shall be held in
trust by the State Board of Education.
78. The State Board of Education shall, on or before the
first day of January, in each and every year, make a report .
Annual report
to the Governor of the condition of the schools of the State ;
and sugges-
a statement of the apportionment of money to the counties and
the City of Baltimore, for the support of schools ; an abstract
of the reports received from the Board of County School
Commissioners, together with such suggestions for the im-
provement of schools and the advancement of public education
as the State Board of Education shall deem expedient.
79. The Governor shall cause three thousand copies of said
Printing of
report, five hundred to be bound in cloth, to be printed and
distributed every year.
80. A Teachers' Institute, to continue five days, shall be held
Teachers' In-
in each county once a year, and in the absence of the State
Superintendent, the County Superintendent shall preside.
81. The State Superintendent of Public Education shall fix
a time of the meeting of the institute, and it shall be the duty
Time of
of the County Superintendent to notify each teacher of the
time and place of meeting, and when so notified, each teacher
in actual employment is required to attend; the president of
the School Board shall select the place for the institute to
82. These institutes, being designed as temporary normal
schools, shall be attended by the State Superintendent, when
Attendance at
possible to do so, and by one or more instructors of a State