qualifications, namely, scholarship equal to graduation from
approved high schools for the normal course, and scholarship
equal to completion satisfactorily of the seventh year grade
Applicant for
of our public school curriculum for the academic course ;
applicants for scholarships must file their application for schol-
arship, and also with the State Board of Education, a written
declaration that their object in obtaining admission is to
qualify themselves as public school teachers, and that it is
their intention to engage in the profession in this State ; when-
ever it is possible to do so, the Board of County School Com-
missioners and the Board of School Commissioners of Balti-
more City shall appoint an alternate for each person who may
receive a scholarship, and if for any reason such person who
was awarded the scholarship does not use or accept the same,
or for any other reason fails to become a student of the Normal
School or normal department, then the person appointed as
alternate shall be entitled to the privileges of such scholarship.
If there be not applicants sufficient from any county or the
To fill all va-
City of Baltimore, then the State Board of Education may fill
all vacancies by selecting applicants possessing the requisite
qualifications from any portion of the State, in the propor-
tion aforesaid.
Admission of
74. In addition to the students admitted from the coun-
pay students.
ties and the City of Baltimore, who shall enjoy the privileges
of the school and be furnished with the use of the text-books
free of charge, there may be admitted, in the discretion of
the State Board of Education, to the full capacity of the State
Normal Schools, or normal departments, such other persons
as may possess the requisite qualifications, who shall pay the
sum of twenty-five dollars per session and be subject to the
same rules and regulations as the other students.
75. The State Board of Education shall prescribe the course
Duties of State
of study for the State Normal Schools and normal departments
receiving State aid, which shall be uniform as far as is prac-
ticable, and supervise such schools and departments in every
particular not provided for in this Article; they shall make
arrangements for practice teaching, and may organize and
maintain model and experimental schools as a part of the Nor-
mal School, or normal department, when deemed best, in which
students of the normal course shall have opportunity to teach
and practice the modes of instruction and discipline inculcated
in the Normal Schools, or normal departments.
76. The annual sum of twenty thousand dollars is hereby
State appropri-
'appropriated for the support of the Maryland State Normal