as herein provided for ; provided, that when repairs are to be
paid out of county school taxes, the amount to be expended
for said school repairs shall be determined by the Board of
County School Commissioners before the repairs are made;
the board shall employ a principal teacher, subject to con-
firmation by the Board of County School Commissioners
To exercise su-
from among those persons who hold the certificate required
over same.
by this Article ; they shall exercise a general supervision
over their respective schools, and visit them frequently, and
shall cause instruction to be given for ten months in the year,
if possible.
39. In every district school there shall be taught orthogra-
Branches to b
ephy, reading, writing, subjects for language training, English
grammar, geography, arithmetic, History of the United States,
good behavior, the Constitution of the United States, Con-
stitution and History of Maryland, vocal music, drawing, physi-
ology, laws of health and domestic economy, civil government ;
and the elements of agricultural science may, in the discre-
tion of the State Board of Education, be added to the branches
required to be taught in the State Normal Schools and in the
public schools of the various counties of the State.
40. The nature of alcoholic drinks and narcotics, with special
drinks and
instruction as to their effects upon the human system, in con-
nection with the several divisions of the subject of physiology
and hygiene, shall be included in the branches of study taught
in the common schools, and shall be taught to and studied by
all pupils whose capacity will admit of it, in all departments
of the public schools of the State, and in all educational insti-
tutions supported wholly or in part by money from the State ;
and said study shall be taught and studied by pupils in said
schools as thoroughly and in the same manner as other like
branches are there taught and studied, with text-books in
hands of pupils, where other like branches are thus studied.
42. Whenever a school numbers more than forty children
in the average attendance, an assistant may be employed by
the Board of County School Commissioners, in their discre-
tion; and for every additional forty children, one teacher
may be appointed.
43. Whenever the average attendance in any school for any
Closing for
lack of pupils
two consecutive terms is less than ten pupils, the said school
may be closed by the Board of County School Commis-
sioners; provided, that the Board of District School Trustees