ery for the children of the State ; if, however, in apportioning
the said school tax among the different counties and the City
of Baltimore, the share of any county should prove inadequate
for the purposes aforesaid, then the County Commissioners
of such county are hereby authorized, empowered, directed and
required to levy and collect such a tax upon the assessable
property of such county as the Board of County School Com-
missioners shall designate to make good the deficiency ; pro-
vided, that said tax shall not exceed fifteen cents on the hun-
dred dollars, unless the County Commissioners shall approve
and sanction an additional tax ; taxes so levied and collected
shall be paid quarterly, on the day fixed for payment of the
State school tax to the several counties (but the proceeds from
special taxes may be paid oftener, upon the order of the Board
of County School Commissioners to the treasurer of said
Board of County School Cmmissioners) in order that the
schools of said counties may be kept open for the time herein
set forth, and said tax shall be levied and collected as other
taxes ; any sums of money which may have been specially
collected or levied on any election or school house district
for educational purposes connected with these districts, shall
be collected for and applied to the purposes so intended orig-
Funds to be
inally, and shall be used for no other purpose ; and if said
applied to
funds have been used otherwise they shall be returned and
applied as aforesaid.
24. The Board of County School Commissioners shall, on
or before the first day of September in every year, make a
Annual report
to State
report to the State Board of Education, in such form as may
be prescribed by the latter, of the schools and all matters
affecting the educational interests of the county; they shall
also publish annually, in the month of November, in such form
and manner as they may deem proper, a statement of their
receipts and disbursements, including the money received and
expended on account of text books, and a statement of the
indebtedness of the board at the close of the fiscal year, and the
items of expense of the individual schools, and forward a copy
to the State Board of Education.
27. The Board of District School Trustees shall have the
care of houses and lands connected therewith intended for
Care of school
school purposes, also furniture, apparatus and other school
houses, etc.
property; they shall attend to all repairs and charge the cost
among the incidental expenses of the school, to be paid out
of the tax levied upon the assessable property of the county