call in the county surveyors for the purpose of ascertaining
where the center of the said road is, so as to know where the
fifteen feet from the said center of the said road will run and
be located, and if the said surveyor shall decide in favor of the
location made bv the supervisor then the party appealing to
said surveyor shall pay the expenses of said survey ; but if the
said surveyor shall decide that the location made by the said
supervisor is not correct, and that it is an injury to said party
so appealing, then the County Commissioners shall pay the
said surveyor four dollars for each day he may be employed
in surveying said road ; but said surveyor shall not charge for
any survey made on any road unless he shall have been called
in on an appeal from the action of some road supervisor of the
public roads in said county.
128. The County Commissioners of Wicomico County shall
have the power by ordinance or resolution of condemning,
County Com-
laying out, opening, extending and making new roads and for
altering, straightening, widening, grading, inlproving or clos-
ing up in whole or in part any existing road, and for removing
trees, posts and other obstructions and for laying out public
drains, watercourses and public landings on any navigable
waters in Wicomico County, when in their opinion the public
necessity or convenience require the same, without any previous
application or petition ; the County Commissioners may con-
tract with the owner or owners of the land for the purpose of
laying out, opening, extending and making new roads, and for
altering, straightening, widening, grading, improving or clos-
ing up in whole or in part any existing road or for a public
drain or public landing, for the right of way over the land
necessary for any said road or for land for public drains and
public landings if he, she or they be competent to contract ;
and in case the said County Commissioners shall so contract
Plat of road
they shall cause a plat of the said road to be made bv a compe-
to be made.
tent surveyor and filed and recorded in the office of the Clerk
of the Circuit Court for Wicomico County, with the deed or
deeds conveying the land so acquired, which plat shall be re-
ferred to in and shall be a part of said deed or deeds, and the
lands so conveyed shall be and become thenceforth the prop-
erty of Wicomico County, and be subject to the purposes and
uses for which granted ; if, however, the County Commis-
sioners aforesaid shall proceed by condemnation in the exer-
cise of the powers herein granted, all benefits or damages done,
suffered or incurred by laying out, opening and making of new
roads, or by altering, straightening, widening, grading, im-
proving or closing up, in part or in whole, any existing road or