123. The County Commissioners shall have power at any
Removal from
time to remove from office any road supervisor for what they
may deem a neglect of duty or malfeasance in office, and to
appoint another road supervisor to fill the vacancy for the resi-
due of the term ; and the term of office of each supervisor shall
end with the qualification and induction into office of every
new Board of County Commissioners.
Public roads
124. All new public roads hereafter opened in Wicomico
to be thirty
County shall be made thirty feet wide, except where the County
feet wide.
Commissioners shall deem that the public convenience and good
may require them to be less or greater than thirty feet wide,
and shall determine the width of any new road; in the com-
mission issued to the examiners to report on such new road,
all new roads shall be well drained and graded, and it shall be
the duty of the County Commissioners to reject all such roads
if not put in the most complete order ; and they may make at
any time such further rules and regulations as they may deem
necessary for the better keeping of public roads in said county
not inconsistent with the sub-title of this Article or of the
Public General Laws.
125. They may cause to be placed at such of the forks of the
public roads as they may think proper, finger-boards or signs
showing the prominent places to which said roads lead and the
distance to such places, and any person tearing down or defac-
ing such finger-boards or signs shall be guilty of a misde-
meanor, and on conviction thereof before a justice of the
peace shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than
ten dollars, and shall stand committed to the jail until such
fine and costs are paid.
126. It shall be the duty of the supervisors of the public
Supervisors to
roads in said county to examine all public roads in their re-
spective road districts, and if any of said roads are found to
be less than thirty feet wide, and if the said supervisors find
that at any point said roads cannot be improved or repaired
without widening the same, they shall respectively have full
power to remove fences, fill up and remove ditches, cut down
and remove trees or any other obstruction so that the said
road may be rendered passable and convenient ; provided,
such widening shall not exceed thirty feet.
127. If any person shall feel aggrieved at the action of the
Right of ag-
supervisors in the performance of their duty under the preced-
grieved par-
ing section in removing his fence or other obstruction, he may