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SECTION i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the charter of Kee Mar College of Washington
Charter of a
County, Maryland, a corporation duly incorporated under the
General Laws of Maryland, be and the same is hereby amended
as follows:
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the name of said corporation
Changing its
be Kee Mar College instead of Kee Mar College of Washington
County, Maryland.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said corporation is here-
by authorized and empowered to grant and confer upon the
upon gradu-
graduates of said institution who, in the judgment of the said
ates certain
corporation, may merit the distinction, such collegiate and
academic degrees as are usually granted and conferred by
similar institutions of learning established for the education
of women for proficiency in language, art and sciences, and to
grant and confer such other degrees as are or may be con-
ferred by any college or institution of learning in this State
or elsewhere, upon any woman who, in the judgment of said
corporation, may merit such distinction, whether such woman
be a student or graduate of said institution or not, and that all
degrees heretofore conferred by said institution be and are
hereby made valid, ratified and confirmed.
Approved April 8, 1904.
AN ACT to fix and regulate the time of taking oysters with
rakes or tongs in waters of Wicomico County and in cer-
tain waters of Dorchester County.
SECTION i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That any resident of Wicomico or Dorchester Counties
A separate li-
desiring to take or catch oysters with rakes or tongs for sale
cense for
in any of the waters of said counties of which they are resi-
each person
employed on a
dents, shall first obtain, by application to the Clerk of the
oyster boat.
Circuit Court of the county wherein he may reside, a separate
license for every person to be employed on such boat, and
such license shall have effect from the 15th day of September
in the year in which it may have been obtained, to the 25th day
of April, inclusive, next succeeding; provided, that such li-
cense shall not authorize the taking or catching of oysters in
any creek, cove, river, inlet, bay or sound within the limits
of any county other than wherein the license shall have been