4. That the sum of six thousand dollars per annum be anc
the same is hereby appropriated for the formation and support
for same.
of farmers' institutes in this State ; and that the Comptroller
be and he is hereby authorized to issue his warrant annually
upon the Treasurer of the State for the said sum of money
out of any fund not otherwise appropriated ; that the said sum
shall be payable to the order of the Maryland Agricultural
College on or after the first of October of each fiscal year
and that the first yearly pavment shall be made during the
fiscal year ending September 30, 1904.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1904.
AN ACT to prevent and abate certain nuisances and annoy-
ances in Taneytown, in Carroll County, Maryland, and pro-
vide a penalty for violation thereof.
SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That it shall not be lawful for any owner, lessee or trus-
tee of any land or building in the limits of Taneytown, in Car-
roll County. Maryland, or for any other person having the
care or control of any land or building in said town to know-
ingly permit any excrement, filth or contaminated water from
water-closets, urinals, cesspools, privies, privy vaults, hog
pens, barn yards or stable yards, or any other filth or filthy
waste water to discharge, flow, percolate or in any other man-
ner to escape, directly or indirectly from any such land or build-
ing on or into any of the streets, squares, lanes or alleys o:
said town, or on or into any open, ditch, gutter, drain or sewer
in any of said streets, squares, lanes or alleys.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That upon conviction before the
Burgess of Taneytown, or any justice of the peace residing
in the limits of Taneytown, of a violation of any of the pro-
upon convic-
tion of law-
visions of the preceding section, the person or persons so con-
victed shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than fifty
dollars and costs of prosecution, and, in default of payment
thereof, may be committed to the county jail of Carroll County
or to the town lockup for a period of not more than thirty
days, or until the fine and costs be paid.