recommended to said clerk by at least twelve respectable free-
holders living' in the election district in which said saloon is
located and within one mile of the place where said liquors or
alcoholic bitters are to be sold, as a fit person to traffic in the
Article, nor until such applicant or applicants applying for
such license shall have filed with said clerk a bond with at
least two sureties to be approved by said clerk in the penal
sum of two thousand dollars, conditioned to the payment of
all fines, penalties, costs and damages, to which the person
or persons obtaining said license may become liable for any vio-
lation of any of the license laws of this State; and said clerk
is hereby prohibited from approving any bond under this
section unless it shall appear to him by good evidence that the
sureties on said bond are worth in real estate double the
amount of the penalty of such bond, and that in no event shall
any person sell such article on the Sabbath Day, commonly
called Sunday ; and for violation of this provision, such per-
son, natural or artificial, shall be subjected to the penalties pro-
Violators sub-
ject to cer-
vided for in Section 4 of this Act; provided, however., that
tain penalties.
the repeal and amendment of this Section 6 of said Chapter 610
shall apply only to Election District No. 5, commonly called
Accident District, and that the said District 6 as originally en-
acted shall stand and be the law as to all other districts in said
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1904.
AN ACT to change the boundary line between Hurlock Elec-
tion District of District No. 15 and East New Market Dis-
trict or District No. 2, in Dorchester County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the line between Election District No. 15, known
as Hurlock District, and Election District No. 2, known as
East New Market District, as now laid clown, be changed, and
that the lines which shall hereafter divide said district shall
be as follows: Beginning at the mouth of Cabin creek and
thence running up said Cabin creek to Lower Cabin creek
mill, thence up Cabin creek mill ponds and stream and branch
until said stream or branch intersects the county road lead-