City, who shall constitute the Board of State Aid and Charities.
The members of this board shall serve from the first Monday
in the month of May next after their appointment and shall
continue in office for two years and until their successors shall
have been appointed and have qualified. Appointments to fill
vacancies caused by death, resignation or removal shall be
made by the Governor. Not more than four members of
any retiring board shall be eligible to reappointment to suc-
ceed themselves on the next board.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That no member of this board
nor its secretary shall be directly or indirectly interested in
Members not
any contract for building, repairing or furnishing in whole
to be interest-
ed in con-
or in part, or be financially interested in any contract with
tracts, etc.
any institution coming under the supervision of this board ;
nor shall any officer, secretary or employee of any such in-
stitution be eligible to appointment on this board.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the members of this board
shall receive no compensation for their services, but their actual
not allowed.
expenses incurred in attending meetings of the board or in
attending to its necessary business shall be paid ; and the
Treasurer of the State is hereby authorized and directed to
pay to the president of said board such sums not exceeding
five hundred dollars in the aggregate in any one year as he
may demand for such necessary expenses. And the said board
shall further be allowed a sum not exceeding two hundred
and fifty dollars to be used for the printing of its report and for
the purchase of such stationery and supplies as it may need.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the board shall hold regular
meetings quarterly and may hold adjourned, special or called
To investigate
system of
meetings at any time in such places within this State as may
State aid.
seem to it convenient and expedient. It shall investigate and
consider the whole system of State aid to public and other
institutions receiving aid in this State. To this end it shall
nave power to make an investigation at any time into the Con-
dition and management of any institution financially aided by
this State, and may demand such information, statistical or
otherwise, as it may desire from the officers, directors or em-
ployees of such institutions; or it may direct such an investi-
gation to be made by a committee of its members or by its
secretary. Within one week after the convening of every
regular session of the General Assembly it shall furnish to
the chairman of the finance committee of the Senate and the
ways and means committee of the House of Delegates a printed
report of the condition of all the institutions receiving finan-