Commissioners and at such other times as they may require
an itemized statement or report of all moneys due, payable
or paid to him on account of water charges, together with
all moneys expended by him on account of water works,
and such other data as the Commissioners may require of him ;
and it shall be the duty of the clerk to the Commissioners
to preserve such statement on the file in the office of the Com-
missioners and permit the same to be inspected under his care
by any person interested. It shall be the duty of the treasurer
to pay the salary or wages of the employees of the said water
works and for supplies, materials and labor, the maintenance
and operation of such works purchased and contracted for by
the Commissioners as hereinbefore provided for upon presenta-
tion to him of a written order of the president of the Commis-
sioners and attested by the clerk and properly endorsed by
the holder. The treasurer's salary for rendering such service
shall be fixed by the Commissioners of Delmar, Maryland.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the title to said water works
and all parts thereof and lands and building's pertaining there-
Title to vest
in Commis-
to, and books and accounts, shall belong to and vest in the Com-
missioners of Delmar, Maryland ; that any person who shall
wilfully or knowingly destroy or deface such books, or ac-
counts, or pollute the water, or commit a nuisance in or near
the said water works or any part thereof so as to injure the
same or pollute the water, shall, upon conviction thereof,
be fined not less than five dollars or more than one hundred dol-
lars for each offense, or confined in the county jail for a period
not less than thirty days nor more than eighteen months;
one-half of the said fine to go to the informer and the remain-
der to the Commissioners of Delmar, Maryland, for the pur-
pose of this Act.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the Commissioners shall
order and direct the treasurer to draw his warrant against the
To pay interest
revenues from the water works and the general revenues of the
on bonds.
corporation of the Commissioners of Delmar, Maryland, to
pay interest on said bonds as the same shall become due and
payable to the order of the Commissioners; and the warrant
shall be the receipt for the treasurer, and the interest coupon
detached from the bond shall be filed by him in the office of
the Commissioners, and by them and him cancelled; and he
and the clerk to the Commissioners enter in their respective
books, first mentioned, the payment of the interest number
of the coupon and bond from which it was detached, and the
fact that it was cancelled, and upon pavment of any bond