collection, and also all tax bills which he had been unable to
collect by reason of the property assessed being in the hands
of the court in pending litigation, and shall at that time be en-
titled to receive an allowance for the same in his final settle-
ment to be made at that time ; and the clerk to the County Com-
missioners shall forthwith file all bills affecting property in
the hands of the court in the proper pending cases so that
when said tax bills are payable they may be collected by the
clerk to the County Commissioners from the trustee or other
officer of the court having charge of the funds in such case
or cases.
Approved April 8, 1904.
AN ACT to incorporate the Independent Citizens' Union or
SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That John Tjarks, George Kirchenhofer, August Roeder,
August F. Trappe, Henry Hofferbert, Henry C. Von Heine,
Frederick W. Wehrenberg, Herman G. S. Denker, Balthasar
Prell, Henry Hermanni, George W. Kern and Karl A. M.
Scholtz, all of Baltimore City and State of Maryland, and their
associates and successors, be and they are hereby created a
body corporate under and by the name and style of the
Independent Citizens' Union of Maryland, and by that name
Union of
shall have perpetual succession, and shall be capable to sue and
be sued, to complain and defend in any court of law or equity,
to make and adopt a constitution and by-laws for its govern-
ment, and amend same at will; to make and use a common
seal; and shall have power to acquire by purchase, gift, de-
vise or otherwise, any real or leasehold estate or personal
property, and to hold, own, use, sell or dispose of the same
at its pleasure, or to mortgage the whole or any of such
property in any way and to any extent that it may desire
Without indi-
vidual lia-
without individual liability on the part of its members; and
generally to do all and singular such matters and things as
may be necessary to carry out its objects and purposes, and
to exercise the powers and privileges by this Act conferred
upon it.
Its objects
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the objects and purposes
and purposes
of the said body corporate are patriotic, educational, social
and beneficial; among other things, to promote good citi-