said county a license permitting the person therein named and
sufficiently described for the purposes of identification to
shoot said game in said county for the period of one year from
the clay on which said license was issued, and such license shall
not be transferable. The person named therein, or the party
procuring such license, shall pay to the said Clerk thereof the
sum of ten dollars per year, which amount shall be paid by
said Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners and by them
credited to the fund for the payment of the bounties prescribed
in Sections 18 and 19 of the Acts of 1902, Chapter 276; and
shall, in addition, pay to the Clerk a fee of fifty cents as his
compensation for the issuing of such license, the form for
which shall be appointed by the State game warden and fur-
nished by said Clerk ; and any non-resident convicted before a
justice of the peace of said county or other court of competent
jurisdiction for gunning therein without having complied with
the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a mis-
demeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined ten dol-
lars for each and every such offense. which fine shall be paya-
ble two-thirds to the County Commissioners of Allegany
County, to be by them credited to the fund for the payment
of bounties heretofore set forth in this Act, and one-third to
the informer, except as provided in Section 8 of Chapter 293 of
the Acts of 1896; on failure to pay said fine and costs, the of-
Penalty for
fender shall be committed to the county pail for the term of
failure to pay
fine and costs.
ten days for each offense, or until fine and costs are paid.
99D. It shall be unlawful within said county at any time
to permit dogs to run at large, and any birds or mammals
killed, maimed or injured by dogs so running at large in viola-
Owners of
tion of this section shall be deemed and considered to have been
dogs liable.
killed or injured by the owners of said clogs, who shall, in the
event of their conviction before any magistrate of said county
of the offense herein set out, be deemed guilty of a misde-
meanor, and be fined five dollars for each bird or mammal so
maimed, injured or killed, and in default shall be sentenced to
ten flays in jail, or until said fine and costs are paid. Dogs
making their homes with or at the residence or tenement of
any residents of this county shall be considered as the property
of said resident or tenant, and as such subject to the provisions
of this section.
16. Any person violating any of the sections of Chapter
276 of the Acts of 1902, or the amendments thereto, and being
convicted thereof before any justice of the peace of said county
Deemed guilty
of of misde-
or court of competent jurisdiction, shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and shall forfeit the fines in this Act and its