SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Sections 14 and 16 of Chapter 296 of the Acts of
"Birds and
1902, title "Allegany County," sub-title "Birds and Game," be
repealed and re-enacted, and that additional sections, to be
known as 996, 99C and 99D, be added to as to read as follows:
14. No person shall kill or destroy any rabbit on or after
Closed season
for rabbits,
the first day of January until the fifteenth day of October of
each and every year, nor any squirrel after the first day of Jan-
uary until the thirty-first clay of August of each and every year,
under a penalty of five dollars for each rabbit or squirrel so
killed or destroyed.
998. No person or persons, company or corporation, or the
agent or the employee thereof, shall at any time catch, take
catching of
or kill, or have in his or its possession, or under his, her or
game for
its control any of the birds or game mammals of this county,
from county.
the killing of which at any or all times is prohibited bv the laws
of the county, with intent to ship or remove the same beyond
the limits of said county, or with intent to allow or aid in the
shipment or removal thereof out of the countv. And it shall
not be lawful for any person or persons, railroad company, ex-
press company, stage driver, or any company or corporation,
or person or persons acting in the capacity of a common carrier,
their officers or employees, to knowingly receive for transporta-
tion or transport, or remove beyond the limits of the county,
any of the game birds or game mammals mentioned in this Act.
This section not to apply to the buying and selling, shipping or
transporting of the pelts or hides of deer or other game mam-
mals during the season when it is lawful to kill or have the
same in possession within said county. Any person or persons,
railroad company, express company, stage driver, or any com-
pany or corporation or persons acting in the capacity of a com-
mon carrier, their officers or employees, as set out in the pre-
ceding section, shall, upon conviction of violating any of the
provisions of Sections 90A and 99B of this Act, shall be fined
five dollars for each bird, rabbit or squirrel so shipped, trans-
ported or had in possession in violation of the provisions of this
Act, and twenty-five dollars for each deer or portion thereof
so shipped, transported or had in possession in violation of the
provisions of this Act.
99C. It shall not be lawful for any person not a bona fide
must procure
license to
resident of said countv to shoot any partridge, pheasant, wood-
cock, wild turkey, wild water fowl, squirrel, rabbit, wild deer,
or any of the game birds or mammals in said county without
having first obtained from the Clerk of the Circuit Court of