20G. Immediately after the first day of September in each
List of delin-
year the said treasurer shall make up a list of all delinquent
quent taxpay-
taxpayers and the amount for which they are respectively in
arrear, and shall forthwith cause the same to be published once
a week for two successive weeks in one newspaper published
in said town, if one is published there; but if not, then in some
newspaper published in Harford County, and charge a propor-
tionate part of the cost thereof to each of said delinquents;
should any of said taxes so in arrear continue unpaid after
such advertisement and remain so unpaid until the first day of
October then next ensuing, then immediately after the first
day of October in each year the said treasurer shall make up
a further list of all taxes due and in arrear, which list shall
contain the names of the person or persons assessed with the
property upon which taxes are due and in arrear and a brief
description of the property ; and in case of real estate such
reference to conveyances as will render the same easy of identi-
fication and the amount of tax levied and in arrear, including
all arrears for previous years, with interest and costs and ex-
penses accrued and to accrue thereon to the day of sale, to
which list shall be appended a notice that if said taxes, interest,
costs and expenses are not paid before the first Monday of De-
comber then next ensuing, the said treasurer will proceed at
10 o'clock A.M. on that date in said town of Aberdeen, to
To offer
property at
offer every piece of said property, real or personal, for sale
public sale.
to the highest bidder for cash, the place of sale in said town
to be stated in said notice, which said list and notice shall be
published in one newspaper published in said town, if one is
published there; but if not, then in some newspaper published
in Harford County for four successive weeks prior to the said
first Monday of December; and on the said first Monday of
December the said treasurer shall proceed to sell any and all
such pieces of property, real or personal, upon which said taxes,
interest, costs and expenses shall not then have been paid,
and shall continue such sale each secular day, legal holidays
excepted, from 10 o'clock A.M. until 3 o'clock P.M., until
every parcel of said property shall have been offered and sold ;
should the treasurer deem it impracticable to sell personal prop-
erty liable for taxes at the time and place aforesaid, then he
may advertise and sell said personal property at different dates
and places as may seem most practicable to him in each case ;
provided, that such sales shall be made as soon as possible after
the said first Monday in December ; and for the purpose of sell-
ing personal property for the payment of taxes, the said treas-
urer shall have, in addition to the power conferred on him by