or sums due or owing to said town for taxes or otherwise by
the holder of said claim, and no assignment of such claim to
avoid such deduction shall be valid.
2oD. The treasurer of the town of Aberdeen shall in-.
form himself by all lawful means of all lawful property, stock
duties and
or investments in said town liable to taxation and not included
in the list of assessments, and of all new buildings and im-
provements and of all property created or acquired since the
last revised assessment; and he shall value the same at the full
cash value thereof and shall make return thereof to the Town
Commissioners, and for the purpose of this section the said
treasurer shall be clothed with the power of general assessor
of said town, and shall receive a fee of twenty-five cents for
each assessment made by him of new or missed property, and
his valuation shall be subject to revision and correction by
the said Town Commissioners, whose decision shall be final.
Before any assessment made as aforesaid shall become valid,
five days' notice thereof in writing shall be given to the owner
Written no-
of the property to be assessed, and if such owner be not found
tice to be
within the limits of said town, then the same shall be given
to the person in possession of the property to be assessed, or
in whose custody the same may be ; or if it be land and no
one is in apparent occupancy thereof, then such notice shall
be posted upon such land.
20E. It shall be the duty of the said treasurer as soon as the
annual levy is made and placed in his hands to give notice there-
Annual levy.
of by advertisement inserted in one newspaper published in
said town, if one is published there, but if not, then in some
newspaper published in Harford County for two successive
weeks, stating the time from which said taxes bear interest
and the place at which they are to be paid, and the days upon
which he will be present for the purpose of collecting the same,
and warning all taxpayers of their liability to be published as
delinquent, and to have their property sold unless the taxes
with which they are charged be settled within the time re-
quired by law.
2oF. It shall be the duty of the said treasurer to attend in
person or by deputy at the office of said Town Commissioners,
or such other place as said Town Commissioners shall desig-
nate in said town, at least one day in each week between the
day to col-
lect taxes.
time said taxes are placed in his hands for collection and the
first day of October of the current year to collect and receive
such taxes.