with the collection of all uncollected taxes as aforesaid, and for
the purpose aforesaid his time is hereby extended for the col-
lection of taxes as aforesaid for one year from and after the
passage of this Act.
Preceding sec-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That nothing contained in the
tion not af-
preceding section shall prevent or delay the enforcing by the
Comptroller, County Commissioners, or others interested, of
their rights and remedies.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1904.
AN ACT to enable Joseph G. Harrison, collector of State
and county taxes for the First Collection District of Wor-
cester County, Maryland, for the year 1898, to enforce the
payment of taxes not heretofore collected by him.
WHEREAS, Joseph G. Harrison was duly appointed by the
payment of
County Commissioners of Worcester County, Maryland, col-
back taxes.
lector of both State and county taxes which were levied upon
the taxable property of the First Collection District of said
Worcester County in the year 1898, and as such collector be-
come duly qualified by executing his approved bond ; and
WHEREAS, A portion of said taxes remain uncollected and
time to com-
said collector will be unable to collect the same unless his
plete collec-
time for the collection of said taxes be extended by law, and it
is desirable to extend said time in order that he may complete
the collection of said State and county taxes so as aforesaid
remaining uncollected.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That all taxes heretofore levied by the County Com-
Limiting time
for collection
missioners of Worcester County for the said year 1898 on the
taxable property in the First Collection District of Worcester
County and not yet collected by said Joseph G. Harrison, may
be collected within one year from and after the passage of this
Collection of
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the
said Joseph G. Harrison, collector as aforesaid, to proceed with
the collection of all uncollected taxes as aforesaid and for the
purpose aforesaid his time is hereby extended for the col-
lection of taxes as aforesaid for one year from and after the
passage of this Act.