in their judgment, the interest of said town demands the same ;
and to contract or provide for the furnishing or supplying of
water, electric light or gas in sufficient quantities for the needs
of the town and the inhabitants thereof by any other body cor-
porate, public or private, or by any individual or individuals;
and in order to carry out and effectuate such object it shall
have full power to erect, maintain and equip electric light poles
and to lay water mains and conduits, erect fire plugs, and gen-
erally to do all things that may be necessary to provide water
To protect
for said town in such quantity and at such places as may be
town against
necessary to protect it at all times against fire ; and they shall
have power to pass all such ordinances as may be necessary to
carry into effect the provisions of this section.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That in event the Mayor and
Common Council shall provide for the purchasing or supplying
May issue
bonds to
of water, electric light or gas to said town by some other body
carry out
certain pur-
corporate, public or private, or any individual or partnership,
and shall deem it expedient or necessary that said town erect,
maintain and lay its own electric light poles and equipments,
water mains, conduits and fire plugs, the said Mayor and Com-
mon Council, to defray the necessary cost thereof, may issue
registered bonds or certificates in sums of one hundred dollars,
to be signed by the Mayor and countersigned b> the clerk of
said Common Council of Sykesville, not exceeding in the ag-
gregate the sum of five thousand dollars, bearing interest not
exceeding six per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually, said
bonds to be payable fifteen years from the date thereof, and to
be redeemable after ten years from the date of their issue, at
the pleasure of the Mayor and Common Council of Sykesville ;
said bonds shall be exempt from State, county and municipal
taxation ; and the Mayor and Common Council in making their
annual levy of municipal taxes after said bonds are issued shall
Creating a
sinking fund.
fix the rate sufficient to provide for the payment of the interest
on said bonds and create a sinking fund for their redemption.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and Common
Council may pass such ordinances as they may deem necessary
Rights of
for the preservation of the health of the town, and remove all
nuisances from and prohibit all business within the corporate
limits thereof as shall, in their opinion, injuriously affect the
sanitary condition thereof.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and Common
Council shall cause to be constructed, as they may determine
To construct
necessary for the public benefit, sidewalks in any of the streets
of said town not less than four feet in width, of brick, con-