SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 15 of Chapter 136 of the Acts of the Gen-
town of
eral Assembly of Maryland, passed at the January Session of
County, to
1892, entitled "An Act to incorporate the town of Aberdeen,
issue bonds.
in Harford County," as amended by the Acts of 1894, Chapter
488, Section 15, be and the same is hereby repealed and re-
enacted with amendments, and that four additional sections be
added thereto, to be known as Section I5F, Section I5G, Sec-
tion 15H and Section 15I, relating to the borrowing of money
and the issuing of bonds therefor by the town of Aberdeen, to
follow immediately after Section 15E of said Act of 1894,
Chapter 488, so as to read as follows :
15. That the Commissioners may, whenever they think the
on property.
public interest requires it, cause an assessment to be made of
all the real and personal property within the corporate limits
of said town subject to State and county taxes, and may pre-
scribe the manner in which such assessment shall be made, and
provide for adjusting all differences in relation to such assess-
ment ; and they shall have power and authority to require the
owner, possessor or claimant of any property liable to assess-
ment to give them such a full and accurate statement in writing
of his property as may be necessary to enable said Commis-
sioners to ascertain the value thereof, the same to be under the
oath of such person ; and thereupon the taxes herein author-
ized may be levied ; provided, that no lands included within
the corporate limits of said town, except houses and gardens,
shall be taxed for corporate purposes, so long as said land shall
be used for agricultural purposes ; and the Commissioners may
Limiting tax
levy a tax on the assessable property within the corporate limits
of said town not exceeding one hundred cents on the one hun-
dred dollars' worth of accessable property.
15F. That the said Commissioners of Aberdeen be and they
are hereby authorized, in their discretion, the assent of a ma-
to borrow
jority of the legal voters of said town voting at any election
held as hereinafter provided, having been first had and ob-
tained, to borrow money upon the faith and credit of the town
and to issue bonds therefor not to exceed in amount ten thou-
sand dollars, said bonds to be exempt from county and munici-
pal taxation.
15G. That before the said Commissioners of Aberdeen may
issue any bonds as herein provided the said Commissioners
pertaining to
shall pass an ordinance setting forth the purpose for which
such bonds are to be issued, the amount thereof, their denomina-