SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1904.
AN ACT to provide for the issue of one million six hundred
and twenty-five thousand dollars Maryland State bonds for
the purpose of completing and repairing the State House, in
the City of Annapolis, for the purpose of completing the con-
struction of an annex to the Maryland House of Correction,
for the purpose of the completion of the Springfield State
Hospital, for the purpose of construction and completion
of buildings of the Maryland Asylum and Training School
for the Feeble Minded, for the purpose of construction
and completion of buildings of the Maryland Agricultural
College, for the purpose of construction and completion of
buildings for the Maryland Hospital for the Insane, for
the purpose of construction of buildings for the Cambridge
Hospital, for the purpose of construction of buildings for
Charlotte Hall School, for the purpose of construction of
buildings for St. Mary's Academy, for the purpose of
construction of buildings for St. Mary's Female Seminary,
for the purchase of a lot of ground in the City of Baltimore
for the Maryland Institute and the construction of a build-
ing thereon, and for the Relief Fund Commission, under
Chapter 129 of the Acts of 1904; the State bonds to bear
a rate of interest not higher than three and one-half per
cent, per annum, and to provide for a sinking fund for
the payment of the State bonds.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
Providing for
land, That for the purpose of the completion and repairing
the issuance
of State
of the State House, in the City of Annapolis, for the purpose
bonds to con-
struct, repair,
of completing the construction of an annex to the Maryland
etc., State
House of Correction, for the purpose of the completion of
House, hospi-
tals, etc.
the Springfield State Hospital, for the purpose of construction
and completion of buildings of the Maryland Asylum and
Training School for the Feeble Minded, for the purpose of
construction and completion of buildings of the Maryland
Agricultural College, for the purpose of construction and