card or insignia bearing the seal of the Board and the signa-
Entitled to
work at trade.
tures of its president and secretary, certifying that the holder
thereof is entitled to practice the occupation of a barber in this
State; and it shall be the duty of the holder of such card or in-
signia to post the same in a conspicuous place in the shop
where he is working, where it may be readily seen by all per-
sons whom he may serve.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted. That said Board of Examiners
Power to re-
voke certifi-
shall have power to revoke any certificate of registration
granted it under this Act for (A) conviction of felony, (B)
habitual drunkenness of six months immediately preceding a
charge duly made, (C) gross incompetence, or (D) the use of
unclean towels, cups, or any other unclean utensils used by
barbers which are liable to spread contagious or infectious dis-
eases ; provided, that before any certificate shall be so revoked
the holder thereof shall have notice in writing of the charge
or charges against him, and shall, at a day and place specified
in said notice, at least ten days after the service thereof, be
given a public hearing and full opportunity to produce testi-
mony in his behalf or to confront the witnesses against him.
Any person whose certificate has been so revoked may, after
the expiration of three months, apply to have the same re-
granted, and the same shall be regranted to him upon a satis-
factory showing that the disqualification has ceased.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the Board shall cause to
A yearly re-
port to be
be made and filed with the State Comptroller, on or before the
first day of December of each year, a report showing the re-
ceipts and disbursements of said Board and the balance in the
hands of the treasurer of said Board, together with a state-
ment of the amount of such balance necessary to be held in the
hands of the said treasurer to meet the expenses of the ensu-
ing year. The Comptroller shall thereupon make and file in
his office an estimate of the amount of such balance necessary
to be held by said Board for the purpose hereinbefore stated,
which sum may be retained bv said Board for said purposes,
and the balance of said surplus paid by the treasurer of said
Board into the State Treasury.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted. That upon the report of a mem-
Public nuis-
ber of the State Board of Examiners, duly appointed as herein
provided, or a member of a Sub-Board of Examiners in a city
or village of the State, that a barber shop is in an unsanitary
condition, saitj State Board of Examiners shall be empowered
to call upon the State or Local Board of Health to declare such
shop a public nuisance, and should the proprietor of said