other persons are authorized to deposit money, stocks, bonds
or evidences of debt, such deposits by such officers or corpora-
tions or other persons may be made with said company upon
such terms and upon such liability as may be agreed upon ;
but any deposit of money made by such officers or corporations
or other persons, unless otherwise stipulated, shall be regarded
as an ordinary general deposit, made according to the custom
and usage of banking, and said company shall have power and
authority to provide rules, regulations, by-laws or other means
for and to determine all matters of arbitrament or award re-
ferred to or submitted to it by order of any court, or as may
be agreed upon, provided or established by said court or by said
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the said company shall be
and it is hereby authorized and empowered to receive and keep
Empowered to
do a general
on deposit, as bailee for safe keeping and storage, all valuables,
trust and stor-
gold, silver or paper money, bullion, precious metals, jewels,
age business.
plate, certificates of stock, or evidences of indebtedness, deeds
or muniments of title, or other valuable paper of any kind,
or any other article or thing whatsoever, which may be left or
deposited for safe keeping with said company, and guaran-
teeing their safety upon such terms and for such commissions
and compensation as may be agreed upon, and for the complete
preservation and safe keeping thereof, is hereby authorized to
construct, erect, purchase, lease or rent such fire or burglar-
proof building, vaults, iron or composition safes or other means
which may be or become necessary, and let out vaults, safes
and other receptacles for such uses and purposes, and generally
to transact and perform all the business relating to such de-
posit and safe keeping or preservation of all such articles or
valuables as may be deposited with said company.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the said body corporate
shall have the right to make examinations and reports of ac-
To act as ac-
counts and financial condition of corporations, firms or indi-
countants and
viduals for the use of banks, other financial institutions, bank-
ing firms or others proposing to make contracts with or to
afford credit to such corporations, firms or individuals, and
to make such examination and reports for the use and informa-
tion of directors, officers or others concerned, or for any other
lawful purpose; also to collect information of general, finan-
cial and commercial interest, and to make publication and dis-
tribution thereof, and to receive compensation for such ser-
vices. The said corporation shall be authorized to purchase,
acquire, hold and dispose of the stocks, bonds and other evi-