and customary charges, costs and expenses shall be allowed to
said company for its care and management of the trusts and
estates aforesaid ; and such company as such receiver, curator,
trustee, administrator, executor, assignee, guardian, commit-
tee or other fiduciary, shall be subject to all orders and decrees
made by the proper tribunal under the laws of the place where
the appointment is made.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That when any court, person, com-
pany or corporation aforesaid shall appoint said company a re-
Capital stock
the only se-
ceiver, curator, trustee, administrator, executor, assignee,
curity re-
guardian, committee or other fiduciary, or shall order the de-
quired by law.
posit of money or other valuables of any kind with said com-
pany, the capital stock, as paid in, shall be taken and consid-
ered as the only security required by law for the faithful per-
formance of its duties (provided the said court shall not deem
it necessary to require further security), and shall be abso-
lutely liable in case of any default whatever; the court, if it
deem the same necessary, may, from time to time, appoint
suitable persons to investigate the affairs and management
of said company, who shall report to such court the manner
in which said investments are made and the security afforded to
those by or for whom its engagements are held, and the ex-
penses of such investigation shall be defrayed by the said com-
pany, or the court may, if deemed necessary, examine the
officers of said company under oath or affirmation as to the
security afforded ; and said company is further authorized
to take charge of, care for and manage any and all property
of every kind and description which may be placed in its charge,
care or management, by letters or powers of attorney or other-
wise, as fully in every respect as could or may be done by an
individual ; also to execute all authorities and to attend to, care
for and manage all matters of business of every kind, nature
and description which may be conferred upon it by any person
or body corporate, including the sale, lease or other disposi-
tion of property, real or personal, and to collect all moneys,
with full power and authority to execute and deliver on behalf
of its principals deeds, leases, releases, bonds and covenants,
contracts or other instruments in writing; to institute suits,
actions or other proceedings on their behalf, and to fully attend
to any of such matters or things committed to its charge, as
Right to insti-
tute raits, ac-
fully in every respect as can or may be done by an individual,
tions, etc.
and said company shall be and is hereby authorized to exercise
powers of sale of mortgaged premises, wherever and whenever
such power of sale is or may be conferred upon it by any in-
strument of mortgage, either as mortgagee or as the attorney