them ; and said company shall have the power to receive money
subject to check, to buy and sell exchange, both domestic and
foreign, stocks, bonds, coin and bullion, and to lend money on
personal or other security.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said company be and it
Company au-
thorized to act
is hereby authorized to act as trustee in or any mortgage, bond
as trustee.
or other instrument or evidence of debt issued by any munici-
pality, body politic or corporation of the United States of
America, or of any State or any one of the United States, or
of any colony, province or dependency of the United States, or
of any foreign country or government, or of any colony.
province, department, city or county of any foreign country; and
to accept and execute trusts of any and every description as ful-
ly as a natural person could, which may be committed or trans-
ferred with its consent to it by any person or persons whom-
soever, bodies corporate or politic, wherever domiciled, organ-
ized or doing" business, or which may be committed to it by any
court in the State of Maryland, in the United States, in any
one of the States of the United States, or in any colony,
province or dependency of the United States, or which may be
committed to it by any court in any foreign country or gov-
ernment, or in any colony, province, department, city or county
of any foreign government, and to accept the office and ap-
Executor or
pointment of executor or administrator of any kind or nature
whenever such office or appointment is made by any person
or persons or by any Orphans' Court or other court, either of
the State of Maryland or of any other State, or of the United
States, or of any foreign country or government, or of any
colony, province, department, city or county of any foreign
gvernment; and that in all cases where application shall be
made to any court of this State, or of any other State, or of
the United States, or of any colony, province or dependency
of the United States, or of any foreign country or government,
or of any colony, province, department, city or county of any
foreign government, for the appointment of any receiver,
curator, trustee, administrator, executor, assignee, guardian,
committee or other fiduciary, it shall and may be lawful for
such court, if it shall think fit, to appoint "The Century Trust
Company," with its assent, such receiver, curator, trustee, ad-
Settlement and
adjustment as
ministrator, executor, assignee, guardian, committee or other
trustee, etc.
fiduciary, and the accounts of said company as such receiver,
curator, trustee, administrator, executor, assignee, guardian,
committee or any other fiduciary, shall be regularly adjusted
and settled before the tribunal having jurisdiction thereof,
and, upon such settlement and adjustment, all proper, legal