all other respects shall be governed by the General Election
Laws of this State existing at the time of the holding of said
elections, except as otherwise provided for by this Act.
4. After any such election as provided for in Section 2 of
Cannot vote
this Act has been held in any election district, city or town
again upon
same question
of Wicomico County there shall not be another election in
for four
said election district, city or town upon said question within
four years thereafter.
4A. That the Supervisors of Elections for Wicomico County
County to
shall have prepared the necessary ballots, at the expense of
bear all ex-
Wicomico County, for said elections, as above provided for,
penses of
which said ballots shall be printed in the same manner and
style that official ballots are printed for any general election to
be held in this State; that on each of said ballots shall be
printed the following words : "Against licensing the sale of
intoxicating- liquors for beverages" and "For licensing the sale
of intoxicating liquors for beverages," in order to ascertain the
vote on said question. Every such ballot on which a cross (X)
shall be placed in the square opposite the words "Against li-
Form of ticket
to be voted.
censing the sale of intoxicating- liquors for beverages" shall
be counted as a vote in the negative, and every such ballot on
which the cross (X) shall be placed in the square opposite the
words "For licensing the sale of intoxicating liquors for bev-
erages" shall be counted as a vote in the affirmative ; but no
ballot shall be counted as a vote upon the question unless a
cross (X) shall be placed opposite one of the said phrases.
The manner of canvassing the ballots and making- returns
thereof shall conform, as nearly as practicable, to the require-
ments of the General Election Laws of this State, except the
certificate of the Supervisors of Elections in any district where
the said question is submitted shall be as follows : "We hereby
certify that at the election held in ———— on the ———— day
Canvassing the
of ———— , ——— votes were cast for licensing the sale of in-
toxicating liquors for beverages, and ———— votes were cast
against licensing the sale of intoxicating liquors for beverages,
the said certificates shall be returned to the County Commis-
sioners for Wicomico County, and upon the receipt of said cer-
tificate of election aforesaid it shall be the duty of the County
Commissioners of Wicomico County, if it shall appear that the
majority of the votes cast were against the sale of intoxicating
liquors for beverages, to give notice of such returns of election,
by advertising in one or more newspapers published in said
county, and in that event it shall not be lawful for any license
for the sale of intoxicating liquors for beverages to be issued