icating liquors shall be sold in the said county or in any elec-
tion district, town or city of said county," be and the same are
hereby repealed, and that the following sections be enacted
in lieu thereof, to be known as Sections 1A, 2, 3, 4, 4A and
46, and that an additional section be added to Chapter 195,
to be called Section 18, prohibiting the sale of liquor in certain
districts of said county :
I A. For the purpose of determining the question as to
whether or not any licenses shall be granted in Salisbury Elec-
Special elec-
tion District No. 9 and Delmar Election District No. 11 for
the sale of intoxicating liquors for beverages therein, the sense
of the qualified and registered voters of said Salisbury Elec-
tion District No. 9 and" Delmar Election District No.11 shall
be taken at a special election which shall be held in each of said
districts on Tuesday, April 26, 1904.
2. That whenever such of the registered qualified
voters of any election district, city or town of Wicomico
Supervisors of
Elections to
County (except such election districts wherein the sale of spir-
act upon peti-
tion of voters
ituous and intoxicating liquors as hereinafter prohibited) as
of election
constitute one-half of all the votes cast for all the candidates
for Governor at such election in said election district, city
or town, shall petition the Supervisors of Elections for Wicom-
ico County for the submission at the next regular congres-
sional election held in said county, for the question of granting
or not granting any license for the sale of intoxicating liquors
for beverages therein, the Supervisors of Elections shall order
an election to be held for the purpose of determining said
question, which said election shall be held at the same time
as a regular congressional election in said county ; provided,
however, that after the special election provided for in the pre-
ceding section to be held in Salisbury Election District No. 9
and Delmar Election District No. 11 there shall not be held
another election in said districts to determine said question
for a period of four years from the congressional election next
following said special election.
3. The said elections provided for in the two pre-
ceding sections, that is to say, both the special elec-
General elec-
tions to be held in Salisbury Election . District No. 9
tion laws of
the State to
and Delmar Election District No. n. and any other election
govern local
which may take place under the provisions of Section 2,
shall be held under the supervision of the Board of Supervisors
of Elections for Wicomico County, and as to the place of hold-
ing the same, the printing of ballots and the distribution there-
of, the method of voting and of counting said ballots, and in