approval of the Inspector of Plumbing. These vents may be
Size of vaults
carried out through the roof separately or may be connected
to the main soil or waste pipe ventilating stack, in which event
the connection must be made above the highest fixture, and
from this point the said stack must be made at least one size
larger, and be continued at the same size up to and through
the roof as a general ventilator; provided, however, that when
a syphon closet sets within three feet of the main stack no
back vent will be required, and all traps mentioned in this
section must be of heavy lead, cast iron or brass, and be not
less than the following: For water-closets, four inches; sinks.
one and one-half inches; wash trays, two inches; slop sinks,
two inches; urinals, one and one-half inches; bathtubs, one and
one-half inches ; basins, one and one-quarter inches ; and every
trap that shall be less than four inches in diameter shall have a
Size of water
brass trap screw clean cut, and all traps must have a water
seal of at least one and one-half inches, and all water-closets,
sinks, basins, wash trays, etc.. suitable traps must be placed
on, as near as practicable, to said fixtures, subject to the ap-
proval of the Inspector of Plumbing.
SEC. 33. And be it enacted, That no water-closet shall be
allowed to be constructed in any sleeping room or in any
to have air
shaft or
apartment or vault which is not in direct communication with
the outside air, by means of a window or air shaft, having an
area of at least four square feet for the admission of fresh air
and light, and where water-closets are placed outside of build-
ing, the use of straight non-absorbent hoppers will be per-
mitted, provided the same is supplied with flush tank and a
proper water supply, to be approved by the Inspector of Plumb-
ing; and in no case shall waste pipes from bathtubs, wash
stands or sinks be connected with a trap of a water-closet.
SEC. 34. And be it enacted, That a separate flushing tank
Separate flush
which shall hold at least four gallons of water must be pro-
ing tank and
vided with every water-closet which is constructed within any
building, store, dwelling or house or part of a house, and the
ilush pipe from said tank to closet shall not be less than one and
one-quarter inches in diameter, and each said closet must have
an earthenware bowl with flushing run, and no long straight
hoppers or pan or plunge closets shall be allowed to be placed
within any building, store, dwelling or house or part of house,
and water-closets or urinals shall never be connected directly
Flushing of
with or flushed from water supply pipe, but each water-closet
or urinal must be flushed from a separate tank, by water
which is used for no other purpose, and all floor connections