rain-water leaders, when placed inside of any house, shall be
of iron, with leaded or screwed joints, and must be trapped
with cast iron running traps, so placed as to prevent freezing,
and must not be used as soil, waste or vent pipes, nor shall any
soil, waste or vent pipes be used as a leader.
SEC. 29. And be it enacted, That all soil, drain, waste and
Providing for
supply pipes shall be concentrated as much as possible, and
movable cov-
shall be protected from exposure to frost, and shall be so lo-
ering for in-
cated as to he accessible for inspection, either by exposing the
pipes to view or by providing a movable covering; and every
such pipe inside of the building line and five feet exterior
thereto shall be of extra heavy iron, lead or brass.
SEC. 30. And be it enacted, That no trap shall be allowed to
be placed on or at the foot of vertical soil or waste pipes ; that
Brick, sheet
metal or
no brick, sheet metal or earthenware flue shall be allowed to
flues not al-
be used as a sewer or soil pipe, ventilator or trap vent, and all
lowed as
sewer or soil
cast iron soil and waste pipe fittings must be "Y" branches,
sanitary tees one-eighth, and long sanitary bends or tees may
be used ; all other cast iron fittings must be of sanitary designs ;
wrought iron and brass fittings for soil and waste must be of
the Durham recessed pattern and of sanitary design, to be
approved by the Inspector of Plumbing.
SEC. 31. And be it enacted, That all cesspool traps for
drains, cellars and areaways, where such appliances are set,
Cesspool traps.
must be provided with a cast iron trap beneath them, and
when in exposed places must be set at a depth to protect them
from freezing.
SEC. 32. And be it enacted. That in every ease where soil
and waste pipes connect with a sewer or cesspool the following
Rules to be
observed in
rules must be .observed : If there is but one fixture in such
stack and the trap is connected directly thereto, or at any point
soil or waste
within five feet thereof, no trap vent will be required, but
should the distance be greater than five feet, it must be vented
as herein provided for other traps, and in every case where
there are fixtures connecting into a stack of soil or waste pipe
on more than one floor of any house, shop, store or other build-
ing, each and every trap must be ventilated ; in such cases the
non-syphon may be used, the vents for each water-closet trap
must be two inches in diameter, and for traps under other
fixtures one and one-quarter inches in diameter, providing said
vents are not over twenty-five feet in length, in which case the
one and one-quarter vents must be increased to from one and
one-half to two inches, as the case may require, subject to the