collected as other fines are collected under the laws of this
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That any person or persons who
Fine for vio-
shall have violated the provisions of the preceding section
lating a sec-
shall, upon conviction, be further fined the sum of two dollars
tion of this
for each and every clay the work constructed in violation of
the provisions of this Act shall be allowed to remain un-
changed and not constructed, altered or repaired as directed
by the Inspector of Plumbing, said fine to be collected as other
fines are collected under the laws of this State.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted. That the fine or fines so col-
lected under the provisions of Section 6, Section 7 and Section
8 of this Act shall be paid into the treasury of the respective
city or town in which the violation of the provision of this Act
occurred, and all costs for the said cases shall be borne by the
defeated party to the cause.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the Inspector of Plumbing
Certificate of
shall furnish to the owner or owners of the premises, or to
the master plumber in charge of the plumbing work, a certifi-
cate to the effect that the work so completed is in accordance
with the provisions of this Act ; said certificate shall be prima
facie evidence in any suit charging a violation of the provisions
of this Act.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That in every case where any
fixture or fixtures or closet or closets are, or a stack or line
To ventilate
of soil pipe or waste pipe is more than seven feet from the main
vent stack, it shall be necessary to run or erect an extra stack
up and out through the roof to ventilate the same.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
Inspector of Plumbing, under the direction of the Board of
Inspector to
Health, to sign and issue all notices and certificates, to keep a
keep a correct
record of his
correct record of his work, including all notices and applica-
tions, all violations and all other matter which may pertain
thereto, and to make a monthly report, each month, to the
Board of Health of the respective city or town in which he is
appointed to act as such Inspector of Plumbing.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That said Inspector of Plumb-
ing shall inspect all houses in course of erection, alteration or
Plumbing in
new houses.
repair, when any plumbing or drainage work is to be done, and
shall order and direct that all such plumbing and drainage work
shall be done in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That every person desiring to do
business as a plumber or to engage in conducting plumbing