may acquire or lease from any other incorporated company
the whole or any part of its rights, properties, appurtenances
or franchises.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That said company, subject, how-
Perpetual con-
ever, to the constitutional rights of amendment and repeal,
shall have perpetual continuance.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 31, 1904.
AN ACT to regulate sanitary plumbing in the incorporated
cities and town in Allegany County, entitled "Allegany,"
sub-title "Plumbing and Sewer Drainage."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Board of Health of each and every incorporated
of Inspector
city or town in Allegany County, by and with the approval
of Plumbing
for towns and
of the Mayor of said city or town, respectively, shall bien-
cities in Alle-
nually appoint for each and every said city or town, an In-
gany County.
spector of Plumbing, for sanitary purposes, who shall be under
the direction and supervision of and subject to all rules and
regulations of the respective Board of Health by which he
is appointed.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That said Inspector of Plumbing
shall be a practical plumber selected from among plumbers
Said Inspector
to be a prac-
who are well informed as to practical plumbing and skilled
tical plumber.
in the matters pertaining to the sanitary regulations con-
cerning plumbing work ; said Inspector of Plumbing to re-
ceive as full compensation for his services the sum of fifty
cents per hour for each and every hour consumed in making
the inspection as hereinafter set out in this Act; said com-
pensation to be paid to the Inspector of Plumbing by the
master plumber installing the work under inspection.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That no pipes now in use, or
hereafter to be used to drain any matter, soil or liquid from
Permits to be
any house, store part of house or part of store, or any build-
granted to
master li-
ing or part of building whatsoever, into any well, sink, sewer
or other outlet whatsoever for the reception of any substance
except pure water, or into any sewer, private or public, or any
stream, river or creek, in Allegany County, shall be put up,