the having in possession any such trap, net or snare, and every
such trap, net or snare shall be forfeited and destroyed.
5. From and after the passage of this Act, that every person
Licenses to be
who shall hunt game as prescribed in Section 2, of this Act
procured to
shall procure from the Clerk of the Court of Somerset County
a license as follows : Non-residents shall, before being allowed
to hunt game under the provisions of this Act, pay a license
fee of ten dollars, with fifty cents to clerk for issuing same,
and residents, except they be landholders hunting on their own
premises, shall pay a license fee of one dollar, with a fee of
twenty-five cents to clerk for issuing same. Each offender
for a violation of this Act shall pay a penalty of fifty dollars
or be imprisoned for not less than ten days nor more than
thirty days, or both in the discretion of the court. All money
derived from operation of this section shall be paid over by the
clerk to the School Commissioners for the benefit of the
public schools.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April i, 1904.
AN ACT to create the office of Treasurer for Charles County,
and to provide for the collection of taxes therein.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
Creating office
land, That" at the general election on the Tuesday after the
of Treasurer
for Charles
first Monday in November, 1905, and every four years there-
after, a County Treasurer shall be elected by the qualified
voters of Charles County, who shall hold office for the term
of four years from the first day of May next following his
election and until his successor shall qualify, who shall be
ineligible for re-election until after an interval of one full
term and until he shall have fully settled up all business con-
nected with his former term.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Treasurer shall be
Treasurer to
the collector of all State taxes and all county taxes for what-
collect State
and county
soever purposes levied or to be levied for within said county
during the term of his office or that may be placed in his hands
for collection; and he shall have full power and it shall be
his duty to receive and collect all State and county taxes levied
as aforesaid after this Act shall take effect, and so put in his
hands for collection, and all moneys which may be due said